By investing intentionally in the Dunwoody Baptist Church Foundation (Foundation) you can assist Dunwoody Baptist Church in continuing to bring significant change to thousands of people while achieving the highest purpose of bringing glory to God. By donating today or later through your estate, you share the love of Jesus and make an eternal difference with your donation. You can establish a new restricted fund or contribute to an existing fund that reflects your wishes. Gifts of any size to support the programs of the Church are gratefully accepted. The Senior Pastor, Church Administrator or one of the Directors of the Foundation will be glad to assist you.

2 Corinthians 9:11

You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. 2 Corinthians 9:11


We love and affectionately support families who adopt children, so when we learned about the Adoption Fund held within the DBC Foundation, we decided to invest significantly.

We met with the Senior Pastor and Student Pastor to discuss how the Foundation might be used to support students at DBC. After prayerful consideration, we established the Mack Hannah Student Ministry Fund. We have subsequently learned that the most tax-efficient way for us to make contributions to this fund is through Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) from an IRA.
Dunwoody Baptist has served our family well for many years. As a payback, we made a living legacy gift and pledged to create a Fund in the Foundation. We pray this will aid Dunwoody Baptist in continuing to carry out its Mission.


1. Make gifts of cash, securities, corporate matched funds and required minimum distributions (RMDs) directly to the DBC Foundation.

2. Name the DBC Foundation as a full or partial beneficiary of your retirement account(s), pension account, donor-advised fund or life insurance policy.

3. Name the Foundation as a full or partial beneficiary in your will for a specific amount or a percentage of your estate. (Volunteer lawyers from the church can help you prepare a Codicil to your will at no cost to you.)

4. Designate the DBC Foundation as the irrevocable beneficiary of assets placed in a Charitable Remainder Trust that provides you with a stream of income for a fixed period or for your lifetime.

5. Place assets in a Charitable Lead Trust that provides an income stream to the DBC Foundation for a set period of time, with the remaining assets reverting back to you or family members at termination of the trust.

6. Make a tax-free gift from your IRA via a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD). If you are 70-and-a-half or older, you can transfer up to $108,000 per year (as of 2025) directly from your IRA to the DBC Foundation. You pay no income taxes on this gift, and neither do we. It's a way to support the Foundation with tax-free money.

About the Foundation

The DBC Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization created in 1975 to faithfully manage donations and estate gifts with a third-party investment manager. The first large gift was made by the Cecil B. Day family. Thanks to the accumulating power of time and faithful investment, that initial gift plus additional gifts of others have allowed the Foundation to achieve remarkable milestones through the distribution of over $8,500,000 for kingdom-building missions causes and financial support for counseling and mental health matters, adoptions, seminary scholarships, capital improvements, in addition to providing "backstop" support for other important ministries.

The Foundation is managed by a Board of Directors elected by the Church. The board includes our Senior Pastor and Missions Pastor.

1 Timothy 6:18-19

They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.


I had some significant dental work done, and the Foundation graciously helped in that area. I am grateful for people's generosity and support. 

Upcoming testimony

Upcoming testimony

Contact the DBC Foundation Board

To learn more about Living Legacy Giving opportunities you are encouraged to reach out to the Senior Pastor, Church Administrator or to any of the current Foundation Board Members, or send an email to You can be assured that your contribution(s) will be professionally managed and used to support missions and other important DBC ministries as described in the Current Foundation Funds.