About Us

Who We Are

DBC is a place where we are passionately becoming more like Jesus and are committed to transforming our homes, church, community and the world. This happens when we love God, love people, make disciples and make a difference.

Our Visions

We love God because He first loved us.
We show our love for God as we experience His presence through worship and prayer.
We love others because this is the core of Jesus’ message.
We show our love for people by developing authentic relationships
through hospitality inside and outside of the church.
We help people meet, know and become more like Jesus.
We make disciples through Bible study groups and sharing our faith journey.
We use our God-given abilities and resources to impact the lives of others.
We make a difference in our church, community and world by discovering our purpose and joining a serve team or mission opportunity.

Truths We Believe

We believe in God’s Holy and Infallible Word. We believe in the believer’s right to seek its truths for himself and the necessity of practicing its precepts. We believe that the Bible is a miraculous book in that its truths are hidden from the skeptic and unbelievers but eternally open to the honest believer who asks God’s direction in its study. We believe the Bible has one message for the unbeliever and that is the message of salvation.

We believe in man’s complete ruin in sin and God’s perfect remedy in Christ.

We believe that without Christ man is eternally lost.

We believe in salvation by Grace through faith as taught in His Word.

We believe that Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary through the miraculous conception of the Holy Spirit and that God is His Father.

We believe in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, one God, yet three persons in expression.

We believe in the Holy Ordinance of Baptism by immersion in water. It is to be participated in by believers and is a picture of death to sin, burial and resurrection with Him in newness of life.

We believe in the Holy Ordinance of the Lord’s Supper. We believe it is to be celebrated as a command of Jesus and that the elements of bread and wine represent His Body and Blood and are divine symbols of His sacrifice for the souls of men.

We believe in life after death and in a literal Heaven and Hell. We believe Heaven to be a place of eternal and perfect union with the Godhead and that Hell is a place of eternal separation from the presence of God.

We believe in the love and brotherhood of the Saints. We believe in the correction of the wayward and the encouragement of the faithful. We believe in charity and love for all those who need help.

We believe in the power of prayer and believe that Jesus commands us to pray. We believe God answers the prayer of a believing Christian.

We believe that the earnest application of the principles of truth as laid down in God’s Word will result in the stimulation and growth of the mental, physical, moral, and spiritual health of the believer.

We believe in the Holy Spirit who teaches us all things in Christ. We believe that He indwells every believer but that His action in our lives is limited by the degree of surrender of each individual. He is the Comforter promised by God and it is through His wooing that we are brought to God.

We believe that God forgives the sin of believers. When we have confessed our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us.

We believe in the joy of salvation. We believe this joy increases as we study His Word and exercise His will in good works. We believe God recognizes a believer by the seal of the Spirit and the action of faith in good works and that this brings unspeakable joy to the Heart of God and to the life of the believer.

We believe in the sacrificial atonement of Jesus for the sins of all mankind, past, present, and future.

We believe in the miraculous resurrection of Jesus and His ascension into Heaven.

We believe in the bodily resurrection of the believer who will be clothed in a new indestructible body and that we shall be like Him – For we shall see Him as He is.

We believe in the work of His Church throughout the world. We believe in missions at home and abroad as commanded by our Lord and laid down in example by the Apostle Paul and others down through the years.

We believe the Bible teaches that Christ shall come again and that we are to live in an attitude of expectancy.

We believe in showing every person compassion, love, kindness, respect, and dignity, in response to God's eternal love for every creature made in His image. We love because God first loved us. We are also aware of our own fallibility. Everyone falls short of the glory of God, and is in need of His grace. As such, we welcome anyone wishing to explore Christian faith, worship, and fellowship at DBC.

We believe that marriage is a lifetime, covenantal and exclusive union of a man and a woman, consistent with the Scriptural mandate, and reflects the union of Christ and His Church.

Dunwoody is an autonomous community of believers and we are not governed by any external authority. We have a long history of cooperation with Georgia Baptists and the Southern Baptist Convention but we are not under the supervision or control of these entities. In keeping with our commitment to missions, we work with a variety of New Testament ministries and churches that align with our vision.