DBC Foundation Funds
Summaries of Current DBC Foundation Funds
The following paragraphs describe each of the individual funds currently held within the Dunwoody Baptist Church (DBC) Foundation (Foundation), along with their primary purposes and objectives. The funds are listed, chronologically, according to the year in which they were established.
The Missions Fund was created in 1983 through a gift of approximately $5 million from the Cecil B. Day estate. Quarterly distributions from the Fund are used to supplement DBC's Missions Initiatives. These monies, together with designated Missions funds that comprise a significant portion of the church's annual operating budget, are administered by DBC's Missions Council.
The J. Gerald Bell Memorial Fund provides financial support to DBC members in need of counseling assistance. Fund proceeds are administered primarily by the pastors of DBC.
This Fund makes grants to graduate students attending Baptist seminaries. Top priority will be given to DBC members, although consideration may also be given to individuals who are in good standing in Baptist Churches with similar values to DBC. Applications are reviewed by a five-person Advisory Committee composed of two members of the Foundation Board and three DBC members. DBC's Senior Pastor serves as an ex-officio member of this Advisory Committee. Church members are enlisted by the Senior Pastor with the objective of having several diverse voices at the table.
This Fund provides financial assistance to families as they pursue adoptions. An Advisory Team, consisting of church members who have knowledge of and affection for adoptions, administers the adoption grants. The Adoption Fund provides matching grants to help cover the costs of adoption. Post-adoption expenses may also be eligible for reimbursement. Currently, the Advisory Team has engaged Promise 686 to assist with the vetting process and to offer recommendations to the adopting family on how to partner with adoption
agencies and how to navigate private adoptions.
Investment earnings on this Fund are used for maintenance of the Columbarium over and above normal periodic maintenance expenses, including improvements and additions to the Columbarium.
The Hannah Fund was established in honor of DBC's former Senior Pastor (and a former Youth Minister at other Baptist Churches). Investment earnings on Fund assets provide additional financial support to DBC's Student Ministry, over and above the regular support provided in the church's annual operating budget.
The Capital Reserve Fund provides support to cover significant costs associated with previously unbudgeted DBC capital projects, including real estate, plant and equipment acquisitions and facilities improvements. The Fund is administered by a committee comprised of at least two Foundation Board Members, DBC’s Executive Pastor, and DBC's Church Administrator.
This Fund provides financial support for the dental programs and dental activities supported by DBC. The Fund may be used to launch and sustain dental clinics, as well as address other dental needs identified by DBC. The Fund is administered by a committee comprised of at least one Foundation Board Member and DBC's Church Administrator.
This Fund receives unrestricted gifts made to the Foundation. Monies are used to cover the Foundation's operating expenses and for other purposes as approved by the Foundation Board.