
DBC's children's ministry is where children learn to love God in an intimate and personal way, to love people as God has called us to do! It's a place where we make disciples as we grow in our knowledge and love for Jesus and where we strive to make a difference in our homes, church, community, and the world.

We nurture this movement as we: 

  • Impact the children of our community with the message of Christ's love for them.
  • Facilitate growth in their relationship with Jesus Christ and His Word.
  • Prepare children to discover their uniqueness and eventually God's mission and purpose for their lives

Sunday Mornings


Our nursery is available Sundays 8:30, 9:45, & 11am for infants through 24 months old. 


Our preschool is available Sundays 8:30, 9:45, & 11am for preschoolers ages two through Pre-K.


We offer Sunday School and worship opportunities for kids Kindergarten through 5th grade.


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